Most of the widespread tour out of Ho Chi Minh city is an exploring the mystery of Mekong Delta on river cruises. Ranking among the longest rivers which spans 6 countries including Vietnam in the world, Mekong Delta region embraces amazing rare natural landscapes and cultural heritage in terms of people, religion and food in the Southeast of Vietnam. Make your trip from Ho Chi Minh City to Can Tho Mekong tour now. Then, you can start your adventure tour to the Mekong Delta. Here is some information you need to know about Mekong Delta before you set your foot on this mystery land.
1. People and communities
The Mekong Delta tour Can Tho will take you to meet more various interesting people you could never know their spiritual life completely different from yours. As a typical geography consists of both river and land. You will see the locals’ 2 ways of living which are farmers and fishermen. The popular way of living is in the flat plan livings near the river. The outstanding way of living in the Mekong is floating living. In addition, Mekong Delta is home ethnically diverse groups of people – An Nam (Ancient Vietnamese, Chinese, Khmer, Champa, Malay Penisula for hundreds of years ago, you will find out the variety of religion such as Buddhism, Christian, indin, magnificent temple complex and the cultural diversity in Mekong Tours Can Tho.
You can have a floating market trip from Can Tho – the capital of Mekong Delta, to discover of rare sight trading feature, talk to people living on boats, and enjoy the natural sightseeing around the river.

Food Floating Store on the Mekong River
Last but not least, you make your trip to discover 6 history provinces of Southern Vietnam (Nam Kỳ Lục Tỉnh) shaped during French Colonization. Can Tho tour from Ho Chi Minh City will carry you to the Mekong Delta’s provinces. Especially, you can see charm image of Ao Ba Ba in daily life and the sound of Don Ca Tai Tu (Southern Folk Song) still be to swear and remains a crucial part in the cultural and spiritual life of Mekong People.

Women in Ao Ba Ba
2. Treasure chamber of nature
Mekong River is one of the longest rivers in the world in terms of biodiversity. The Mekong is a home thousands of species, mammals, reptiles, fish and birds. If you are a type of nature lovers, the Mekong Delta tour from Can Tho is the memorable tour to immerse yourself in the green mangrove forest, bird on a boat and see this amazing a vast array of ecosystems.

The biodiversity hotspot in the Great Mekong
3. Food and drink
Local food includes new tastes, flavours and textures. Then, you can learn a new aspect of cuisine in this Can Tho Mekong Delta tour. Mekong river is very famous for its delicious Bún Mắm. It is noodle soup made with fermented Mekong fish broth and serves with the fresh vegetable palter, chilli and lime wedge. Moving on the most traditional dish of southern Vietnam is Hu Tieu My Tho. You will have the sweet aroma of the broth comes from pork bone, squids, shinbone and special condiments. Last but not least, you should visit several tropical fruit gardens such as fresh coconut/ water coconut, green mangoes, rambutans, Durians, pineapples longans and more. Then you can directly grad and try all the fresh fruits for their sweet juiciness flavour and a huge array of health benefits if you are lucky enough to be in fruit season.

Hu Tiu My Tho
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